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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Saving Money on Wedding Photography

Simple Step By Step Digital Photography Lessons. If You Cant Learn Photography From These Lessons Then You Cant Become Photographer Anymore

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Weddings are momentous occasions to all people involved; especially the families of the bride and groom. One very important aspect of a wedding is to commemorate the event with beautiful pictures so that the day never really disappears.

Hiring professional photographers is usually the preferred way for couples to capture the moments of their wedding forever.

Professional photographers can charge an obscene amount of money for their services at times, but there are a few ways that you can save money on photography at your wedding.

Here are some of things that you can do to save some of your money for the honeymoon instead. Lets take a look at what you can do.

1. Place disposable cameras on tables at your reception and let your guests capture special moments for you.

2. Ask a friend or family member to take special photos of the ceremony for you or videotape it

3. Check at colleges and universities who are studying photography and hire a student to do it. You can get professional looking photos for a fraction of the price.

4. Have your photographs taken before the wedding by having your wedding party to gather together at a professional photographers shop

5. Have your photos taken before the ceremony and keep the negatives yourself so that you can develop them later and make prints

During one of the most important days in your life, pictures and videos can make the day last forever. The above mentioned tips can also make sure that you will not go broke in the process.

When it comes to the disposable cameras, you can often find cameras that are decorated with wedding themes. If you cant, you can have the bridal party decorate them instead.

Using digital cameras can limit the amount of pictures that you have to take while making them easy to reproduce. Digital camera technology can make even an amateur take professional looking pictures. You can even use the prints to create thank you cards later that are personalized that show the guests and/or the bridal party.

For more tips and ideas on planning your wedding, check out The Ultimate Online Guide to Wedding Planning

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Digital SLR Photography and You

Simple Step By Step Digital Photography Lessons. If You Cant Learn Photography From These Lessons Then You Cant Become Photographer Anymore

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Digital cameras have been around for a number of years. If the individual has a lot of fun using it, perhaps it is time to move up by investing in something better that is available in the market. Technology has paved the way for the creation of the digital SLR camera.

The SLR stands for single lens reflex. In fact, many photographers have decided to use this more often. This is because it gives the user more control in the look of the final product.

When the SLR first came out, this was sold at about $5,000 a piece. With the increasing demand in the market, manufacturers have came out with different models so the average person can buy one of these for less than a thousand. Those who want to do better with the more affordable version then will have to buy extra lenses.

The SLR stands out because of the lens used in the camera. This just proves that the piece of glass in this device really makes a difference when the pictures are developed. The user can change the lens to get a farther shot but this will really boil down to the contrast and color.

Another nice feature about the SLR is that it comes with controls allowing the owner to change certain things in the photo before it is downloaded and printed. This may be complicated for those who are not familiar with it so the user should get comfortable with the camera before using it.

Since the SLR is quite expensive, it will be a good idea to get proper insurance for it. This device fetches a good price in the market if someone should stumble into one which will really hurt anyone?s pocket should this be stolen.

There are many brands of SLR cameras in the market. All of these manufacturers have been in the business for quite some time, which makes it hard to recommend which one is the best to invest in.

Photographers and other hobbyists then should go with the brand that the individual is familiar with and use this to get those digital SLR shots. After all, this is the only way to use this piece of equipment and get the money?s worth out of this investment.

The owner should also know how to store and clean the SLR camera. It is only with proper maintenance and storage that excellent shots can be taken every time this is brought out.

Low Jeremy maintains http://digital-photography.articlesforreprint.com. This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

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Monday, March 16, 2009

In the Field of Editorial Photography... is Thievery a Problem?

Simple Step By Step Digital Photography Lessons. If You Cant Learn Photography From These Lessons Then You Cant Become Photographer Anymore

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A photobuyer calls you and says, "We like the photos you sent us and have scanned two dozen of them into our database."

"You what...?" is your response.

The photobuyer responds, "You have a lot of pictures that we feel we could use in the future. We're building an in-house reference file. Any problems with that?"

Consider it a compliment. Scanning of photos by a photobuyer needn't be a threatening experience. Twenty-five years ago, when photocopy machines were new, a buyer copying a photo "for the files" seemed tantamount to copyright infringement to stock photographers. Gradually, however, stock photographers saw they were getting sales from the photocopied reference photos on file with photobuyers.

The same is happening today with scanning. The photobuyer scans photos to obtain low resolution (i.e. not reproduction-quality) "thumbnail-size" images to put into their reference "view-only" database. A software program cross-references them.

In the future, scanning your selections will be commonplace. No need to fear thievery any more than you do at the present. And particularly if you are working within the confines of a photobuying community where you know your buyers and they know you. It?s important to remember that the editorial photobuying community that you are working in makes all the difference in the world when it comes to the issue of thievery. It would be rare to hear of larceny.

In the editorial stock photo field, I?ve never heard of a photobuyer intentionally "stealing" a photo. There?d be no sense to it. The photo editor has a budget to work with; there?s no material profit to him or her to ?borrow? a photo on the sly. Besides, the photo will be seen by hundreds, thousands of viewers. Most gangsters say this is not a profitable way to get away with something illegal.

In commercial stock photography, however, there can be a different attitude and circumstances. The commercial field can brew more reasons and opportunity to "borrow" someone?s photo, especially for a local or regional brochure or promotion.

If you?re involved strictly in editorial stock photography, the above kind of information might be news to you. If you deal extensively in commercial stock photography, it?s not a surprise.

You have a choice which area you want to work in.

Scanned images come in a variety of forms. The 72 dpi-scanned image is an excellent reference image. However, the image can be ?decompressed? and in some cases be used as a 300-dpi image.

A graver problem regard digital images is that it's possible to easily pass them on to others (swapping). If an ad agency goes out of business (check the Yellow Pages and you?ll see how often this happens from year to year), or photobuyers begin trading images, your images, or parts of yours, could be involved in the action.


Again, however, if you are working as a specialist and deal with repeat buyers in the editorial field, you will know your buyers and they will know you. You can encourage these folks, potential repeat buyers, to scan your photos for their reference files.

I should say that I am in the minority on advocating that you allow photobuyers to scan your photos. But most of those with the opposite view are in the commercial field, or are editorial stock photographers who spend a portion of their time on commercial work.

My own thirty-five years of involvement in and observing stock photography, tell me that for the editorial stock photographer, thievery has never been a problem. But if you are like most people, and want to deal in both the editorial and commercial divisions of the stock industry, it is an important issue to consider. With this in mind, here?s one photographer?s negative experience.

Ann Purcell is an author and nationally-known travel photographer. She relates this adventure with a commercial client who scanned some of her images:

?Here?s one of my experiences with scanned in-house reference photos. One of my photo agencies sent a selection of photos to a printer company for an ad. None of the photos were selected to be used, but they were all scanned. Lo and behold, about six months later, one of the photos came out as a full-page ad for the printing company. The company ended up paying me $15,000 for the copyright infringement.

?They also paid me $10,000 for use of the picture. Then they must have changed photo researchers, because....... Lo and Behold.....Six months later, another follow-up ad used the SAME photo, again without permission! This time they paid $10,000 for the use/copyright infringement of the picture. That's $35,000, all due to having had in-house reference scans and photo researchers who knew nothing about USA copyright laws!?

Yes, this does happen in commercial stock photography. But does it happen when you deal with editorial publishers such as textbook companies, book publishers and magazines? Rarely, and then it?s usually an honest mistake. We?re all entitled to a few of those. -RE

Rohn Engh is director of PhotoSource International and publisher of PhotoStockNotes. Pine Lake Farm, 1910 35th Road, Osceola, WI 54020 USA. Telephone: 1 800 624 0266 Fax: 1 715 248 7394. Web site: http://www.photosource.com/products

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Wedding Photography And Video - Event Photography And Video

Simple Step By Step Digital Photography Lessons. If You Cant Learn Photography From These Lessons Then You Cant Become Photographer Anymore

         >>  Digital Photography Secrets Revealed <<


Your wedding is one of the most pleasant and memorable events of yourlife. It is once???in???a-lifetime event. This is the day you remember for years to come. You spend a significant amount of time planning for this day. After months of anxious waiting for this day, it finally arrives. From the time you wake up till you say bye to your last guest, you hardly get the time to think that it is actually happening. Then you find that the event is over and what you are left with is all your memories of the day.

Every time you think about it, you start living those moments again and again. This is the time you realize why it is so important to have a professional photographer and videographer on that special day to capture those magical moments of your wedding. These people capture an d create the unforgettable images and video that will be treasured for years to come. As you won't be able to look at all corners of the reception hall at once to catch all of the special moments of the day, it the duty of a professional photographer to take care of all that. After years, it will be priceless to watch and listen your friends and relatives just as they were, gathered around you on this day of days. Your wedding video also tells the true story of your event from start to finish. V ideo is a great way to capture the moments of your event forever. It preserves the moments exactly as they happened. A videographer follows alongside you in your closest moments to capture all those personalities that make the day special for you.

Event photography and videography are two sides of the same coin. They run in parallel to each other. Event photography runs in many sessions throughout the day. It is not just limited to the wedding ceremony and reception. It includes informal engagement, pre???ceremonies at home or site, formal group photos of families and guests and a lot more. Event photography is like an art which demands proper equipment and the right skills. It requires the person to be creative and effective under pressure. A professional event photographer has all the training and experience required to create unforgettable images and preserve the memories of your event day. He has in depth technical knowledge of all aspects of conventional and digital photography.

To select the right event photographer and videographer is vital in ensuring that your event runs smoothly. As soon as your event date is finalized, you should start your search for a professional photographer and videographer. At this point, it becomes difficult to decide which one to choose for the day. What's good for one may not be the best option for another. A lot of your friend and relatives might tell you about different photographers, but whomever you choose, it is important to feel comfortable with the person. He should be someone whom you can trust as well as enjoy his or her company.

When you ask for photographers' portfolios for sample work, it is better to look for whole event albums. An album from beginning to end is much more accurate representation of a photographer's work. Try to judge the photographer's style from his work. Try to search for the images where the photographer has shown the alertness to capture natural spontaneous images. For videography, inquire about the type of video camera and technology that they will use. Use of highest quality technology such as wireless microphone in videography provides a better sounding movie throughout the video.

After you have selected a photographer and videographer, discuss about the prices, deposits, packages, quantity of pictures, etc. Most studios offer a number of packages to work within your budget varying in number of hours, images, and a definite number of final pictures in an album. Better photographers charge the higher rates.

After you have finalized the photographer and videographer, discuss your event day schedule with them so that everything runs smoothly without confusions.

After the event is over, receive proofs from your photographer so that you can choose your favorite images to be developed and enlarged. You can also purchase the additional copies in the future as photographers keep the negatives for a specified number of years.

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Starting A Children's Portrait Photography Business

Simple Step By Step Digital Photography Lessons. If You Cant Learn Photography From These Lessons Then You Cant Become Photographer Anymore

         >>  Digital Photography Secrets Revealed <<


Are you a photographer? Do you have the patience of a saint and enjoy children? Then starting a children's portrait photography business may be the right career move for you. Being a photographer is a great career choice. It also happens to be the most profitable and competitive business endeavors out there. The great things about photography whether you are starting a children's portrait photography business or just like photography as a hobby is that pictures transcend cultural, language, and personal barriers like no other art medium. If you are interested in staring your own photography business please consider the following points below.

If you are interested in doing photography professionally you want to first choose which type of photography you want to start your career with. There are several different types which include fashion, child, sports, high fashion, outdoor, wedding, and studio. All of these choices allow you, as a photographer, to use your skills each and every day. There is a huge market in all these fields, so there is no need to base your decision on what will make you the most money. There is just as much opportunity for profit in high fashion as in starting a children's portrait photography business.

You will also need a good bit of equipment. As a novice photographer you might have quite the collection of gear but be prepare to spend even more money on on studio equipment. Make sure you buy the necessary items for the particular type of photography you will be doing. In addition if you are starting a children's portrait photography business then you might want to consider having a ton of toys and snacks available for your young clients as well as fun outfits.

It is extremely important to market and advertise your photography services. Make sure you have professional looking business cards, letterhead, and business information packets. Make sure you take out advertisements in the local and regional newspapers and magazines. You might also want to consider taking some free photographs just to get people interested and acquainted with your new business. If you are going to be starting a children's portrait photography businesses then you might want to consider making arrangements with local schools or the boys clubs to do some freebies for community groups.

Regardless of your choice of career within photography it can be a very rewarding choice. It will give you the ability to meet a number of unusual and interesting people. It will expand your knowledge of the world, the understanding of your fellow humans, and of yourself. Live your dream today, make a great income, love what you do - start your own photography business!

Dustin Cannon is owner of Niche Article Club and writes on a variety of subjects related to home business. To learn more about home business Dustin recommends that you visit: WarrenSmith.ws

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