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Friday, May 8, 2009

Digital Photography for the Dummy

Simple Step By Step Digital Photography Lessons. If You Cant Learn Photography From These Lessons Then You Cant Become Photographer Anymore

         >>  Digital Photography Secrets Revealed <<


Even with the advent of digital technology and the sudden appearance of every kind, every shape and size of digital cameras in hobby shops, department stores and other shops in the metro, not everyone is a pro when it comes to operating this little gadget. In fact, even the most tech-tough can stumble every now and then.

One thing you should do when you own a digital camera is to of course read the manual from cover to cover. This will help you get familiar with all the functions of the camera as well as see the various effects that it can do. Most manuals will also have illustrations that will help you understand each function.

To further help you in your digital quest for information on good photography, here are some tips that will make geniuses out of digital photography dummies.

Tone up.

One of the few essential things that you must remember is to adjust the white balance of the digital camera. Adjusting the white balance will warm up the tones and increase the hues of reds and yellows. When you purchase one, most functions will be on the auto or automatic function. Change that to suit the environment that you are shooting.

For instance, if you are doing some outdoor shooting, change the setting from auto to cloudy. This means that the camera will compensate for the cloudy and hazy environment and produce photos that are richer in color.

Mad about macro

This is another really great feature that digital cameras now offer, the macro mode. This is a function in the camera wherein you can actually focus on object and get to picture the finer details. This is especially used when you are taking close-up shots. Macro mode is denoted by the flower symbol, which can often be seen on the main buttons of the camera.

One thing to remember in using this mode is that the focused object will be sharp while leaving the rest in soft detail. If you want all the elements in the photograph illuminated, this is not the function for you.

Flash it!

One of the great things about digital cameras is the fact that you can adjust the light to suit your subject. Although most manual cameras have flash modes, they do not have the slight flash, which comes in handy when you are shooting for a not-so-well-lit area but still pretty bearable. The slight flash will help put colors on the picture because too much flash can result to colors that are bland and pale.

Low Jeremy maintains digital-photography.articlesforreprint.com. This content is provided by Low Jeremy. It may be used only in its entirety with all links included.

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